[Wakayama University] Announcement of Special Lecture in honor of the retirement of Professor Ayako NAGATOMO

Dear Partner

A special lecture will be held on 29th of January in honor of the retirement of Professor Ayako NAGATOMO, who has devoted herself to Japanese language education and instruction, international project management at our university.

We would be grateful if you could inform this to the relevant departments and alumni of your university.

We look forward to your participation!

*Please note that this lecture will be conducted in Japanese only.

 ≪⻑友⽂⼦ 教授 退職記念講演会のご案内≫

演 題:「⽇本語教育と私」

⽇ 時:2025 年1⽉29 () 16:2017:20【⽇本時間】

形 式:会場及びオンライン(Zoom ウェビナー)


Zoom ウェビナーでの開催につき、参加時には登録をお願いいたします。

問合せ先:和歌⼭⼤学 国際交流課 kokusai@​ml.wakayama-u.ac.jp